Posted by Fighers for Peace:
FFP organized an X-Games event on Thursday, June 6, 2024, represented by Badri Abou Diab and Ahmad Matar, in collaboration with Laban and Abnaa Saida. Around 20 young men and women participated at Sikka in Saida.
X-Games is an experimental simulation game divided into several stages, designed to immerse participants in situations they might encounter in society. The goal is to protect them from being drawn into extreme choices and to promote critical thinking. It was created by the INSIDE-OUT team in Germany.
At the end of the exercise, Ahmad Matar and Badri Abou Diab shared their war experiences, emphasizing that violence is not a solution and that change is possible. 🕊
The event included discussions on the dangers of extremism to society and personal life, strategies to avoid it when making decisions, and the importance of accepting others and rejecting violence.
"Fighters for Peace" is implementing the project "Reshaping Masculinity and Preventing Conflict: Empowering Community Role Models in Lebanon," funded by Zivik Funding Programme