Photo by Huỳnh Đạt from Pexels

Maya Majzoub: Fallen TV

We're hosting Maya Majzoub in March 2020 to watch and discuss her documentary film "Fallen TV"(2015).

March 2020

Sikka Saida


Maya Majzoub

Arab Journalist - TV Presenter & Producer - Founder of the Rally Against Apartheid - has an AUB Masters in Media Studies

Fallen Television"(released in 2015) is a documentary film by Maya Majzoub that critiques the hegemony of sectarianism and commercialism over the Lebanese television culture. It tackles the complex array of political, sectarian, economic, and cultural factors that influence television discourse in Lebanon since the early start of local television broadcast.

The film was awarded the “Kamel Mrowa Award in Media Studies” from the American University of Beirut